Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The great pain achievement

Let's make this clear and simple.

Let's make it long and painful

Let's make it a dream

Or let's just be honest.

What happened sucked, like really heaps.
The events that led before it, the stagnate emotion and loveless friendship of bitter taint.
We where 2 friends, 2 lovers, equal that of most.

The way it ended was quite the guilotine. A whole arm lost at once. The pain emenselly difficult to grapple.
The loss and i felt and the sudden quick recover you proceeded.
You where cold and done it so effortlessly.
I was so weak and crumbled instantly.
Rebound with another and the lost get even more lost and more weak.

I have returned and refund my values through this pain. This event.
Through this painful infliction i have come through more aware and more alive.

There will always be some memory but that still is the last.

I forgive you as in the destruction of our dreamed perfection has reached my imperfections.
I have succeded more then ever. I am continuing further then most.
I have pushed towards my goals and reached them through the pain left from which was created and left over.

There has been much beauty through this tradegy. You could say the same for yourself.
I do believe what goes around will come around.
So you will have your share returned for you to face.

But for now. Good luck! All the best. Enjoy what never lasts.
I wouldn't be here if it was not for you.
I would not to be going forwards to things if I did not have you for that brief time in my life.
I would not have developed to this point for if it was not a sad story but happy.

My conclusion.
I have respect for you.
I will always have love for you.
But, truly,  I have forgiveness for you.

Thank you