So who does the person that tries to give all the help go to get there help?
I'm to afraid to talk, I'm to afraid to speak. I hide behind a phone, and digits keep me safe.
I've been around a short time in my life. I've seen and experienced a good share of ups and downs.
I'm don't so know it all but hear me out.
So, Whats it like I shall elaborate, especially my relationships.
Every relationship I've been in I've always pushed myself so far, trying to give and please the best I can.
To be that perfect guy.
To be that one person no one is.
I've jumped through hoops and begged on my knees. I've scaled mountains and paid my way through things in debt indeed. I've done what i've been told and done more then someone if they where sold.
Worst of...
I've been yelled at, sworn at, changed, closed off, shut down, cried to tears, drunk to suicide, cut, used, abused, emotionally scared, emotionally black mailed, torn apart, played, thrown away,given family abuse, pulled back in, stood on, spat on, kicked, punched and scratched, been made to feel jealous, financially used and stolen from.
A long road to acquire what I have wanted.
A long road of patients, compassion, understanding and love.
I believe I don't need to look no more. But its not because I don't feel that none of these things still happen to me, because they do.
I just know how to handle them better.
The thing is though...
In an opposite manner, you being the other
Do you?
Because you are better.
So please
Help me take the band-aid of for good
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