Saturday, November 20, 2010

full of it

I haven't eaten since Thursday night. Thursday night
I'm filled up with liquor, and what good that dose me.
do i care any less. obviously not. obviously not about you.
I've lost touch with my spirituality. did i have it to begin with?
Whats the worst is... i knew. and i done nothing about it.

Demise is a big word. Seems to be my favourite. right under creation....
should go create a sandwich. but that sandwich doesn't want me.
I have no money. I have no job. 1+1= sandwich
i stare into endless nothing. i have nothing but feelings. and a keyboard
what a combination. what a life. i am a grim person
i wish i was more fun loving, adventuresome. not just such a bore
cry cry cry. sob moan complain. wine wine boohoo.
one step closer to another not caring, do not read this then!
send me to a remote island. take me away from the people i hurt.

no one likes a sad sack. so why do it. because im full of it
some things are just meant to be

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