Monday, November 15, 2010

wise words from the mouth

Recently, i had a quite insightful talk with my mother.
she reminded me that a relationship is hard no matter what, harder then alot of things.
the understanding that this special one comes into your life and lives with you day in day out is just a part of it.
when you bring this special person into your life you have to learn pretty much the last 20 yrs of that person, you have to learn how they feel, think, act and respond to how you are and how you act, you have to learn how to treat them like your family that you love.
for example!
i live with my bother, sister and mother. i deal with them everyday, every good time and bad time must be treated as nothing, because in 10, 30 mins even a day things will go back to normal, but.. its being with them for so long and knowing the buttons to push and what not too.
your bringing this special person you love into your life, and your always gonna have times of hate, pain and disagrements. wether you walk away the victor you could soon realize you really werent.
Its a must to love them no matter how mad, crazy, bossy, criticising they are.
no matter how much they drive you mad or how much they want to help.
you love them, and you love them for who they are!
sometimes it dosent work though. and it is best to be aware and save the pain.
i have felt and been there before....

but this time i am no where seeing or feeling that. this person, this girl, is someone i truly love, i truly stand by and truly aim to grow with and learn from.
i desire a healthy relationship with you

i am not perfect and never will be. i have as many faults as you and i never wish to believe i dont.

this is why i believe in a unconditional love.
and not in a sentence, just for what it is too me.
that i will love you no matter what we face.

we have our whole life ahead of us.

Note to self: talk, share and dont be scared. react in a loving way, not a criticising of judging way.
You have problems to, and you know what im talking about.

Thank you mother <3

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