Thursday, February 10, 2011

blog me this

This is a blog about a blog. A blog within a blog. A blog relating to a blog that had some blog mentioned about that blog. Can you guess that blog?
Blog me this, blog me that. What can't you right about a blog. What thought process retains an individual about that blog, any blog. It's just a blog. A blog from inside of the Blogger.
Did that blog become a blog because they are a master in bloggery? Can any blog explain that blog, the truth in this blog. The emotional process of release into a blog to create a masterful piece of blog. A blog held for centuries so the future civilizations read in order to rediscover what a blog is.

What is my purpose of a blog? Is it for you, or you? Is it for him or is it for her? Is it for the Blogger that writes the blog to better understand themselves and there blog? Personally.. its just realease.. realease I can't give to anyone person, any one human, any one lover. For I am too much of a blog myself. I'm a blog. And I write these blog from my bloggers heart. I care to much for my blog,my bloggers, and not enough for MY bloggers heart. So please read my blog from the heart. And know these blog... they come from a disturbed, and self drained....bloggers heart.
Look after your blog heart!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

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